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courage to live

The energy of August brings us a lot of strength to find our "place in life" and to finally transform fears, limitations and patterns that have been with us all our lives and to use their energy for our heart and our lives. We have so many (old) ideas about everything that we "fill up" with them and have no space for new things...

gratitude for life

The new moon is behind us and a time of transformation begins. again! :-D In the next few weeks, it's about staying present. That doesn't just mean "living in the moment", but directing full awareness of what is. Of course it's a challenge, because our minds aren't really keen on it...

Let's take responsibility

When we look around the world, we discover a lot that makes us question what is actually going on!? It starts in us, in our family, our circle of friends, our job, right up to the region, the country, the world and politics. More and more we don't understand and we feel that something is out of balance. We...

step by step

As you know, June invites us to new possibilities, chances and challenges. We often want everything at once, to see the light at the end of the tunnel or, best of all, to be there and leave everything behind. Do we really believe that there is an end without a new beginning? ;-) Our minds and egos want to be in the...

The traffic light is green

What are we waiting for? Patience is known to be the highest spiritual discipline. Yes that is her. We can be patient to see with open eyes what life "puts in front of us". We can be patient with ourselves and our fellow human beings. We are allowed to have patience with our life. But what when the moment has come? Let's wait then...

Everything is new in May

Half a month has passed again. A very special one, May! The merry month, the month that makes everything new!? This is what Hermann Adam von Kamp wrote. May makes everything new, makes the soul fresh and free. Leave the house, come out! Wind a bouquet! Sunshine shines all around, fragrant fields and groves flaunt: birdsong, horns sound along the forest blossom, forest splendor, new...

Welcome to May

May brings us a new wind of "awakening". We want a change, something is allowed to change and we feel the urge to do so. It's the feeling that we want to shake off something that weighs too heavily. So much in us and in the world. "Wherever you look...

peace in the heart

Easter is traditionally a celebration of peace. Easter marches, appeals, sermons and people who have dedicated themselves to peace always draw our attention to what our greatest good is. So we were allowed to remember it very consciously the last few days. Also the Jap Ji contains a wonderful verse (28): Patience is our path, modesty our dress, meditation our daily action, awareness...

The art of listening

Yogi Bhajan taught the art of listening and communication as the basis of our existence. We often view communication as just what we say and what is said in an external communication. That's an aspect, a very important one yes...

Courageous humility

When we start observing from our pure and deep being (which we can be in whenever we want), we learn to see life as it actually is. Pure, loving, reflective, even challenging and sometimes supposedly difficult. Everything around purity is colored by our identity, our thoughts, beliefs and our personality. If...