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Everything is new in May

Half a month has passed again. A very special one, May! The merry month, the month that makes everything new!? This is what Hermann Adam von Kamp wrote.

Everything is new in May,
makes the soul fresh and free.
Leave the house, come out!
Wind a bouquet!
Sunshine shines all around,
Fields and groves are fragrantly resplendent:
Vogelsang, horn sound
sounds along the forest.

We grow seeds green,
groves that blossom delightfully,
Forest splendor, made new
after the winter night.
There in the shadow by the well
trickling cheerfully silvery
Small and large rest in the moss,
like in a soft womb.

Here and there, on and on,
where we move, place by place,
everyone is happy about the time
she beautifies again.
Reflection of creation blooms
renewing us in mind.
Everything new, fresh and free
makes the sweet May.
  How are you? How do you feel? What are your emotions, thoughts and body saying? Where are you right now? Where are you “stuck” (possibly stuck)? And what does creation present to you on the “plate of your life”? Many people experience more and more pressure and exertion. Sometimes it feels like the camel's back. Mentally, emotionally, physically. This perception is not imaginary. It is part of our present time. The question always arises as to what we are allowed to “clean”?! Which layer can we (let) remove and observe and love from our heart what happens with it. We can open our hands, put the shovel aside and let life dig! What does it take? Not much! Only our openness, honesty and love towards ourselves and others, that what is and happens is allowed to be and is part of our lives. What can come of it? Which flowers, which splendour, which "reflection of creation" show their beauty at this moment? Can it really be that lightness suddenly finds its way and fills our being? Find out! Empty yourself! Relax yourself! Get free and light! Let the energies of the month rule and guide your heart! Open yourself up to it and be part of life!

From my heart!
Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.