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gratitude for life

The new moon is behind us and a time of transformation begins. again! 😀 In the next few weeks it's about staying present. That doesn't just mean "living in the moment", but directing full awareness of what is. Of course that's a challenge, because our minds aren't really sharp on it... 🙂 The chance will be that we remain neutral, non-judgmental and from this position consciously make our decisions, act and solve issues that arise for us. Our evaluation system can limit us and close our eyes to the essentials. But we are allowed to recognize the core of the "thing" and then act. In doing so, we can allow ourselves to dream of what lies outside our familiar territory and we can receive. It's a great way to try new things and get into action! What can you focus on and put your energy into? We can confidently set aside our mental limitations and ideas and see through our presence what is being given to us. 

Life is full of gifts! Every moment is a gift, every experience is a gift when we realize that the "divine spark" is in everything. This is not always easy and is often associated with emotions. A look out of deep gratitude allows us another perspective that supports us in surfing the waves of the next few weeks. It is a good time to practice and live deep and honest gratitude. What are you really thankful for? How can you integrate this gratitude into your life? How can you express your gratitude to the world? How can you shape your actions and work out of gratitude?

All my love from the bottom of my heart!
Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.