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courage to live

The energy of August brings us a lot of strength to find our "place in life" and to finally transform fears, limitations and patterns that have been with us all our lives and to use their energy for our heart and our lives. We have so many (old) ideas about everything that we "fill up" ourselves with them and leave no room for new things or a (ful)filling of the universe. We think we can control and plan everything. There is a lovely saying: “God laughs at plans.” How fitting. To be very provocative – how much “power” do we actually think we have? Do we really believe that we can rule life, this planet, the universe? How big can our ego be? Honestly - most of what happens to us in life, we experience, happens to us, is completely unplanned and often unexpected. We are told again and again that we are the “creators” of our own lives. Yes, that may be true. But it is always related only to the outside, to our job, our relationship, our prosperity, our success, ... . Have you taken the word apart, success – it follows. We wonder why we usually run after (individual) success? Strange... What are we doing? We think we are leading, but forget our deep knowledge in our hearts that we are only allowed to follow and to know deeply that we are being led. It's not even about trust. Because if we have to trust, we don't have trust on the other side. On the other hand, if we want to control, we are afraid that something will slip out of our hands that we never really had control over. But we are convinced that we can do it. It is our mind's strategy to stay alive. In doing so, we forget in our hearts that it is not about letting our mind “die”, but about reining it in and using it for the benefit of our lives. For the benefit of our love, our deep inner wisdom and the creativity to let flow what we want to flow through. Yes, and this takes courage! Courage to face your fears. Courage to resist "common belief". Courage to say no and yes. courage to go further. Courage to look into yourself - because that's where we are creators! What we create or exhaust within ourselves will manifest itself in our lives without our doing it. We are gifted at every moment! Gifts bigger than anything in the world could do! The gift is within us! It is our consciousness, our soul, the space in which our deep love exists, which goes beyond "I love you/me", is infinite, timeless and constantly there!

in deep love,
Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.