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Relax in the chaos

Wow, what a November! There were probably a few days this month that had something of "rest"! I can only report from my own experiences and observations. But what was going on this month was a "hot ride"! :-D The month was under the star that things reach us that we can really let go. Topics that we...

storm of truth

This November challenges us and our truth. We can discover it on many levels. Be it in (world) politics, in our society or in ourselves. Much emerges from the darkness to light. Be it donation affairs, political amalgamations, social developments or our deep inner life of beliefs and emotions, which are revealed to us in their full breadth. If you look closely and...

Five years Black Forest Soul

Exactly five years ago, on November 2nd, 2013, the SchwarzwaldSeele opened its doors. I still remember my own emotions, feelings, thoughts, experiences and this day that can hardly be put into words, which will be and remain unique. It was a rollercoaster ride of the extra class! :-D And so on that day a completely new phase of my life began for me, which was no longer just...

Live from the heart

This month we are talking about standing up, delimiting, experimenting. But what does that really mean? And where am I and where are the others? Somehow it's not always easy for us to actually do it. Standing up for ourselves, setting boundaries that are actually connections. And there is something behind it, why not or why....

sincere unity

Each of us knows situations in which we do not say what we want to say. We hold back out of politeness, "not wanting to hurt", insecurity, ... and ask ourselves what that was actually supposed to do now?! It's not just about what's happening on the outside, but above all what's happening inside us. What does it do to us and what...

joy of being

We've talked about dedication over the last few weeks. Yes, to what? There was the Kriya. And there is the life that we are allowed to devote ourselves to. It is sometimes a greater challenge to do it in life. To move into this devotion, in which there is a deep joy. It is an experience that captivates us and...

Time to realign

With so much "development" in the world, around us and within us, we sometimes overlook and forget the essence of the divine. We read, do, do, experience, grow, shrink, practice, experience, want, and and and...

courage to live

The energy of August brings us a lot of strength to find our "place in life" and to finally transform fears, limitations and patterns that have been with us all our lives and to use their energy for our heart and our lives. We have so many (old) ideas about everything that we "fill up" with them and have no space for new things...

gratitude for life

The new moon is behind us and a time of transformation begins. again! :-D In the next few weeks, it's about staying present. That doesn't just mean "living in the moment", but directing full awareness of what is. Of course it's a challenge, because our minds aren't really keen on it...

Let's take responsibility

When we look around the world, we discover a lot that makes us question what is actually going on!? It starts in us, in our family, our circle of friends, our job, right up to the region, the country, the world and politics. More and more we don't understand and we feel that something is out of balance. We...