Relax in the chaos
Wow, what a November! There were probably a few days this month that had something of "rest"! I can only report from my own experiences and observations. But what was going on this month was a "hot ride"! 😀 The month was under the star that things reach us that we can really let go. Topics that no longer serve us. It could be at work, in friendships, in yourself, in society as a whole.
Let's take a look from a larger to a smaller picture with a few examples... In Ukraine, a conflict was rekindled instead of being settled. There is some uncertainty in the economy about what will happen in the coming months. In society (e.g. France) there is an uproar because old things are no longer accepted. And and and... And at the same time the pressure increases in us that we can (let) make ourselves freer and lighter. I was able to feel it very strongly myself in the last few weeks. We can imagine our subconscious with all its beliefs, patterns, experiences, memories... like an onion. Except that this onion has a few more skins than the edible onion... 😀 So I was able to observe how a belief in guilt was shown again on a very deep level. He showed himself very clearly and with a lot of emotional power. And at the same time from a completely new perspective and the opportunity to perceive myself even more.
However, we often turn away from it and don't want to look because what we see there is not always "beautiful". If we do it, miracles can happen. Without us then doing anything further, the upper residual shells suddenly disappear as if in thin air. They transform into new life energy and we get our own strength and joy back. We can see the jigsaw puzzle that has been a little mangled throughout our lives being put back together. Personally, I am now confronted with a deeper belief. But I was also allowed to feel and experience that "lighter feelings of guilt" vanished into thin air and at the same time I could feel this "fresh wind" that blows through my whole being... 🙂
So we can take this energy and attitude with us into December. We can relax, take care of ourselves and at the same time open the doors wide, air and observe how the universe and Mother Earth take care of us and care for us. How they transform the old, support us in letting go of things, people, issues... that just don't serve us anymore. Even if our mind wants to hold on to it through fear, guilt, shame, etc., it is our gift in the next few days to be able to simply give and at the same time receive something new.
Use this month to really open up! Look at yourself, what you are allowed to let go, forgive, give up and dare to break new ground, to play, to be crazy, to create and give yourself enough time for yourself and all your bodies, your whole being and being take.
I sincerely wish you all the best!
Nam Terath Singh