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sincere unity

Each of us knows situations in which we do not say what we want to say. We hold back out of politeness, "not wanting to hurt", insecurity, ... and ask ourselves what that was actually supposed to do now?! It's not just about what's happening on the outside, but above all what's happening inside us. What does it do to us and what triggers it? Why don't we stand up for what's in our hearts and what our point of view is?

Yes, sometimes it's not always easy these days because we can see a drifting apart, that there's either this opinion or that one, and if we don't agree, we're not friends anymore. It just shows how strongly our world (and we too) is going into polarities. And that's okay for now, it is what it is. However, we can recognize again that the courage to stand up for ourselves and let others stand up is more important than ever. We can finally do it! The old days in and around us are coming to an end in every nook and cranny! The pressure is increasing and we feel it very clearly! The same here… The time has passed when we were against something. Gone are the days of just gulping because we can't find a way (or even the patience) to express ourselves. The time has passed that we live up/down, good/bad, right/wrong... The time has passed that our egos and our minds guide us.

We can start dancing and establish the art of having compassion, also e.g. B. accepting other opinions and keeping them open and appreciative. We are allowed to find grace for ourselves and others, even if it displeases us in our "beliefs" and "values." We can only do all this in our hearts. Out of the energy that allows us to “meet” people and myself in their unique beauty without going into judgment. In an energy field that is "peacefully active"! Let's be honest with ourselves - we all judge sometimes more sometimes less! And this is exactly where the great opportunity lies. We can look at what is hidden behind it and open our eyes and hearts to it. Which patterns or beliefs are hidden behind it. What pain might be behind it. Every second of our life speaks to us and we can choose how we want to speak to "her"! How do we want to enter it and how do we want to stand in it? How do we want to be with life, ourselves and our fellow human beings? How much are we really?

28 years ago we were able to experience exactly this power of "going beyond", of standing up and expanding! My own images of this are a bit blurry in my memory. The feelings for it always present. We ourselves have often visited the “divided country”. Before that, in addition to the joy of seeing relatives again and playing childish nonsense with them, there was also the fear that one's own cuddly toy would be cut open by border police because it was suspected to contain smuggled goods. What a "march"! Then came these events, which I couldn't really grasp even then, but which gradually became and still are more and more conscious of their magnificence. Because especially in this day and age it is so important to remember what happened back then. A small movement beyond “human limits and differences”, beliefs, values, ideas, … that was for something, grew larger, remained peaceful and moved politics and society to dare an experiment, which is unique in human history! The desire for unity, freedom and peace was so great that there could only be this way! All of us on this planet should remind ourselves every day that only this peaceful path in and around us is the path that leads us to togetherness and for one another! We should all remember that we are one humanity, all equal and all beautiful! It is the path of the heart, of love, that can accomplish things no one thinks possible! But it's possible! Miracles are possible! As Albert Einstein said so beautifully: "There are two ways to live your life: either as if nothing were a miracle, or as if everything were one." We are a miracle, the universe is a miracle, life is a miracle Miracle, love is a miracle! Let us honor these miracles and recognize with deep gratitude that we are a part of them and committed to making them flourish! In peace and love!

From the bottom of my heart
Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.