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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Cure" (Page 5)

life needs you

The universe and life present us with a very interesting paradox in one respect. When we look at ourselves as individuals, as a group, or as humanity as a whole, we appear tiny compared to the dimensions of the cosmos. We appear like a droplet in the ocean that floats along and can evaporate at any second. And yes, that's how it is...

to let time flow

Last weekend we were treated to a fantastic "Blue Moon"! What a miracle! Wow! And I find it all the more fascinating that it was a blue moon. Blue as we describe the water, blue as we describe the sky. And so the present time challenges us to go even more into the river! What better way to describe it...

swing yourself

Last Saturday I was allowed to take part in intuitive placement and set it up myself. It was a great gift for me. And I was once again amazed at how quickly healing and transformation can happen when we open ourselves up to it and really want it. Again and again, oh yes, there is always the question of who we are and how we heal. I would like...

year of miracles

Miracles always happen, every second, even if we may not recognize them as such at first glance. And this year is filled with wonder as we allow ourselves to turn our heads and gaze into this infinite space that opens before us. What possibilities, chances, openings open up for us when the old is suddenly no longer there. Sometimes...

life wants you

BREATHE! BREATHE! BREATHE! BREATH TIIIIIEF and SLOWLY and BALANCED! :-D I often repeat this mantra myself probably hundreds of times a day. But I can only repeat it like in the yoga classes. BREATHE! Be with your breath! nothing else! And I'm serious! Out of joy and love! :-) Just try it out for a few days. Or just...

marriage of life

The further this year progresses, the clearer it becomes for me personally what we can learn and integrate. It's a four year, a year of the heart, 2020 – 2+2=4. And now we have arrived in August, the 8, the number of healing. What a wonderful combination to start this month. For centuries, millennia we have been trying to think about our...

devotion and joy

I would like to share a personal story with you. In the last few weeks I was allowed to cry, sob, scream, "cough out", immerse myself emotionally and feel a lot. I was allowed to feel these different tears again and again. Some feel(ed) as heavy as lead and old. Some fresh and airy, rather salty. And so every tear feels a little different. From a...

Now is the time

As I was re-reading the text of the last newsletter earlier, one word caught my eye over and over again that I've appropriately spoken to some people about over the last few days - compassion. Funny, if you read the Duden, it says: "Sympathy for the suffering, for the need, etc. of others". For yourself...