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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > Posts tagged "Joy" (Page 3)


Moments are precious. Moments are priceless. Moments come from and go into eternity! We often perceive them when we rediscover images from bygone times. When we begin to remember that "instant", that moment. A feeling arises, perceptions come, the senses switch on and we are almost completely...

Departure into a new era

I don't really watch football, but I read the results. And from my "young understanding of football" the world is probably a bit upside down! World and European champions out, Germany out, Ukraine and Switzerland in the quarterfinals. Sounds crazy, even paradoxical, what is happening there! How can that be? What's wrong? For more than a year we have experienced a...

Forgiveness comes from you

I left the last weekend in April with great gratitude and many special impressions of the second part of this year's Kundalini Awakening Training. We were allowed to create a very special and healing space for ourselves, in which we immersed ourselves in karma and our dharma through our mind, meditation. What a journey! :-) A lot was allowed to move again and...

Love lives

In the Kundalini Awakening Training we play the so-called "Purple Game", the game of life, again and again. In this game we travel through the parts within us, through our chakras and the associated topics such as trust, flow of life, strength and energy, love and compassion, communication, intuition and connection to divinity. It's a game that allows us to reflect with which...

Lift up the life in your heart

The first three months of the year are history. Looking back on my start of the year it was packed with new experiences, impressions, inner and outer challenges, ups and downs, moving moments, tears, laughter, healing, teachings, wisdom and a new understanding of my own being. I was able to rediscover some old and new things in myself and continue my journey to...

Ride the wave of joy

I can only laugh heartily right now! I laugh from my heart, I'm happy, I'm refreshed! I am enthusiastic about the universe, about love, about the game of life! :-) One can only call it "crazy"! February seems to have shaken us up quite a bit. We went through the sign of Aquarius/Aquarius, which revealed and moved many things in us...