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Name Terath Yoga Tobias Fritzsche > All  > power of unity

power of unity

Especially as a man, I was given and learned a certain idea of power. "An Indian knows no pain" is probably one of the most well-known of them. And depending on which perspective you look at it from, there is something to it. The perspective that I have carried throughout my life for a very long time was "male power", success, physical size, authority, ... . Over time, however, it has taken more and more strength from me than giving myself strength. It drained my energies, stole my authenticity, caused stress and I stole a lot of joy, balance and inner peace through this manifestation within myself. And not that anyone did it - no, it was (and still is) always me! Realizing this was the first step to getting my real power back. A step to fill energy gaps again, to lift myself up, to take the load off me and to realize that I had a wrong idea about it.

So on Monday I was able to "enjoy" 😀 a Thai massage for the first time and get an idea of it. Anyone who has ever had one knows well that it is not always pleasant... This type of massage was once again able to show me what it means to be powerful! In some moments I could have screamed in pain and I kept getting this tension to hold on, to fight against the pressure and to cramp. "To be strong! Thankfully, I was able to focus on my breathing again and again and surrender to the pain and let it "ease". Even if it wasn't always easy! 😀

I was able to see very clearly again that there are alternative ways to those that we have learned, lived and integrated. The universe, the life, the energies around us have an infinity that is not really tangible for our mind. But right here lies a wonderful gift! Our personality often "imagines" that it is the empowerer and separate. I generate my power, I am strong, I am this and I am that. This is one side of balance that's been talked about a lot in this month's previews. Yes, we have free will to create and destroy energy. We can change them and we can let them or block them. However, we have not really learned to open ourselves to the infinity around us. Learned to recognize the oneness and go into unity! Because right here is an inexhaustible source of energy.

It is not always easy to activate and then receive this “opening”. In this challenge, massage is a wonderful example. We can use our power to choose to surrender. We can direct them to where we can receive and be filled with life and divinity. That's power! We welcome you in our hearts! Whatever we feel, think, do, create...we can do out of love. The vastness we create creates a field in and around us that includes clarity, balance and peace without us having to "do" anything! No matter what may come. Whatever happens and challenges us (and I know some things are just really gross!), we always have the option to choose love! We can receive and let ourselves be filled - with power! So this day was allowed to show us again and again how powerful peace, prayer, devotion and love are!

I invite you this month in a special way to take care of yourself! breathe! Deep! Longing! balanced! breathe! Meditate, practice for your nervous system! Stop fighting - in you and around you! Remember why you are here! Remember that you are the radiance! Remember that you are part of the whole and can therefore always draw from everything and draw yourself! Allow yourself the experiment of using “your” power only to receive more of the universal power! No need to ask or plead! Just invite them! And she will come! Ang Sang Wahe Guru!

With deep love for you and all your being!
Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.