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The field clears

It really does feel a bit like something big is transforming right now. We can look out at the world again and see changes in many corners. It always depends on the angle from which we look at something. Now that may still be a small seed, but I read in the news yesterday that Shell wants to change the business model towards renewable energies etc. in the next few years. Why? Because the assumption is that the "consumer" will continue to go in exactly that direction.

Why am I telling you this? Our focus is often on what doesn't work and what goes "wrong". What happened and what B. Shell is currently “doing” everything! We look inward and outward and are overwhelmed by the waves that are "rushing" through our lives more and more. In such "tense and changing" situations, we experience the temptation to stay in there because at least it is "known". And because what makes us free is not yet so clearly recognizable that we know "yes, that's how it works". We figuratively lower our heads and look at the ground, not allowing ourselves to take in the full perspective from which we can see new paths and possibilities. We don't allow ourselves to trust at the moment! We act out of fear and narrow our view!

It's time we put the gaze through the fog. We are allowed to run sharply, presently and full of courage into "nothingness" and follow what our heart speaks. How have you been doing on this in the last few weeks? Were you able to ask yourself the questions from the last newsletters and find answers to them? Much of it is still not really visible. That can be healing in you. Insights you've been "waiting" for a long time. Encounters with people that happen by chance and have an immense influence on your current existence. Maybe there are also new projects that you want to start. The field is clearing! And there are endless possibilities hidden in it.

I invite you to jump into the unknown! Be it within you, where you can recognize new worlds, new courage, deeper compassion, more caring, peace and balance and can remind yourself bit by bit that YOU are all of this! Or be it outside, where things open up that you may still be afraid of or cannot yet fully believe in. Jump! You will find that you are being carried through the fog! The whole universe, the divinity, is currently giving us so much love because we are being supported in transforming the old, breaking new ground and, by healing our worldly parts, helping us to let "paradise on earth" also be paradise ! Nothing else is meant for us! So let's grab it! 🙂

All my love to you from the bottom of my heart!
Nam Terath Singh

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.