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change of perspective

In many conversations, observations and my own experience, I can feel and perceive the "wild time" we are in right now. The whole year challenges us in an individual and collective way and demands a lot from us. It sometimes feels like the wild west - raging, short-tempered, changeable, unpredictable. Looking back for myself now, I see a lot of old emotions and pain coming to light. I feel an inner pressure and a "tugging" for speed and action. I observe changes that initially only leave an emptiness, a vacuum that the mind does not yet know how to fill. From one day to the next, from one minute to the next, everything can be completely different than before! The pace is tremendous!

Especially in these moments I can always remind myself to breathe! Breathe long and deep! And deep into this vacuum. What is happening to me at this moment is very simple and plain. I am filled with trust, stillness, receptivity and lots of love for myself and life. Of course it would be nice if this worked every minute of life. Well, unfortunately not always... And so this "storm of life" grabs pretty much every one of us and whirls us through once (or several times :-D). This may not be pleasant at first and cause things that we thought we were "done with" or that "we" just don't feel like doing anymore. But then there is a great opportunity to grow!

I'm not talking about classic growth and what we mean by that. Even the economy can gradually recognize that our well-known growth is a utopia. No... I'm talking about what's already there, awakening and growing up in us, finally being allowed to unfold! This month will support us with its energy to shine and break free from the chains that have long held us. We are all diamonds and the only thing keeping us from shining like that is, sorry, ourselves! We ourselves have it in our hands to unfold, to get out of old stories and to "lift our chests" and to recognize: "YES, HERE, THAT'S ME!"

I know this is not always easy. And I know that there are many parts of us that want to fool us with this sentence and only use it to put themselves above someone or something! But that's not it! It is love that we discover! The love for our perfect imperfection! The love for our mistakes, our inconsistencies, our stupid actions, and and and. If we do not love these, how shall we love our radiance? If we don't love our radiance, how are we going to love our darkness? You don't have to stand in front of the mirror and say "I love myself" a thousand times. This is a lie because the other side of the coin is simply denied.

What if you can look at both sides and are certain that everything, really everything, can be the way it is?! Just as life intended for each of us. As the universe spins as we require! If you listen very carefully, very carefully! Listening to this very quiet voice that tells you in every moment what to do or not to say or not to say, to love or to deny. We know the truth! Each of us knows the truth! you know yours In this moment, miracles are allowed to happen and magic takes the place of pressure, expectations and notions of how it should be!

I invite you to pay special attention to what is true and untrue this month! Come into the stillness of your Self and listen! Listen to the voice that may not always please your personality and your outside and that does not always promise "profit", but is truthful and only wants the best for you! You are that! nothing else! Won't you trust yourself? Don't you want to love yourself? What else do you want? Is not this enough? Let's take this chance and raise our chests together and in support! Let's walk our lives upright! Let's be appreciative of ourselves, others and life! Rest assured - the pressure will lift when we allow ourselves to be who we are! Soul - human - universal being! Beauty in its purest form! You are that!

In deep love for you, me and life!
Nam Terath

Tobias Fritzsche

I help responsible people to feel and live their own self again by accompanying them and reminding them who they are.